Protection of know-how and trade secrets

DTMV AVOCATS has recognized expertise in the field of know-how protection.This expertise stems from the practice of intellectual property law and commercial law.

Our team is thereforemulti-disciplinary, and its cross-disciplinary knowledge covers trade secrets law as well as other areas likely to affect know-how: brevets, patents,contracts, unfair competition, labor law…
We advise a wide range of foreign and French clients, including private individuals, in all areas of business, whatever the legal issues relating to know-how and business secrecy.

  • Our expertise lies in consulting
    • Protection strategies
    • Contratcts (employment, research and development, collaboration and cooperation, supply, etc.)
    • Implementation of pratical and technical mesaures, in conjunction with the IT and legal departments
  • Our expertise also extends to litigation
    • provisional and protective measures (article 145 CPC)
    • referral
    • proceedings on the merits
    • protection of business secrecy in legal proceedings

DTMV AVOCATS has extensive experience in transnational litigation in particular.

Your primary contacts


Thomas CUCHE

Partner Lawyer


Partner Lawyer


Partner Lawyer

Eleonore Gaspar

Eléonore GASPAR

Partner Lawyer

Grimaud VALAT

Partner Lawyer

