Articles and Publications 08.12.20
Film industry: US studios will soon be allowed to produce European movies
Film industry: US studios will soon be allowed to produce European movies
DTMV advises Développement & Partenariat during the LMBO of Orrion Chemicals Orgaf...
DTMV advises Odyssée Venture during the acquisition of Proxem by Dassault Systèmes
DTMV advises Odyssée Venture during the acquisition of Inop by
CEIPI and COMPI conference: The ‘new’ trademark law in France
New trademark law in France: aspects of intangible rights and procedure
Seminar in Canada: the French perspective on the European contractual copyright law
The transposition of Directives (EU) 2019/790 (Copyright) and (EU) 2019/789 (Cable-Satel...