Entertainment, digital and audiovisual

Entertainment and media companies (film, television, radio, press, publishing, live shows, videogames, digital) are in constant renewal to keep up with a rapidly evolving industry, to adapt to changes in technology, user practices, and other factors.

DTMV’s lawyers keep track of these changes, whether technological, economic, or regulatory. They advise and assist their clients in their strategic planning and propose creative and tailored solutions to bring projects to a successful conclusion and ensure they are secure.

To meet the requirements specific to this business, which are often cross-disciplinary, the firm’s lawyers can put together a team which enables them to share their visions and know-how, and to contrast their points of view.

The entertainment industry knows no borders and DTMV is able to assist its clients abroad, both directly and through its network of independent legal correspondents.

DTMV assists
ENTERTAINMENT professionals

